30 Simple & Effective tips for email marketing

  1. Kindly ask for prior permission before you add someone to your email list.
  2. Make the consumer feel like he/she is missing out on something by not subscribing to your newsletter.
  3. Use your website to promote your email campaign, make sure it is prominent for everyone to see.
  4. Make Sign up as easy as 1,2,3 and later ask for more details.
  5. Let the subscriber exactly know what he is signing up for: Content and Frequency both.
  6. Use every customer touch point to encourage them to signup.
  7. Make sure your emails are readable and actionable even with images disabled.
  8. Try to find out from users who don’t click or read through your newsletter what is lacking and what could be improved upon.
  9. Don’t buy email lists, earn them the legit way.
  10. Always let the user unsubscribe if he/she wishes to.
  11. Make sure unsubscribe link is prominent enough.
  12. Bother to ask why did they unsubscribe.
  13. Optimize your landing page to increase conversion rates.
  14. Provide valuable content in every email you send out, always value quality over quantity.
  15. Have definite calls to action, even with images disabled.
  16. Only collect data that you will use to personalize emails.
  17. Calculate beforehand the value of an opt-in email address to your company.
  18. There might be no perfect time to shoot out an email, but don’t shoot in the dark by sending mails at odd hours.
  19. Read what people have to say when they reply to your email campaign even if they reply to noreply@abc.com.
  20. Mix social media and email marketing makes for a killer combo. ;)
  21. Have different frequency options, that is at least better than having a person who shall unsubscribe.
  22. Make your subject line grabs the reader’s attention and makes the reader want to read your mail, basically Keep it Simple Silly ;)
  23. Always test your mailers before you send them out.
  24. Don’t bother too much about click rates, focus on conversions.
  25. Make the most of your first email sent out to a new subscriber.
  26. Always send out a welcome email instantly.
  27. Learn to segment, don’t send everything to everyone.
  28. People don’t READ mails, they SCAN through, make sure yours is scanner friendly. :p
  29. Trick to avoid spam filters is to use MIME format (Text+HTML).
  30. Do not keep delivering to addresses which are invalid, they hurt overall conversion figures.


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